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Desert / 砂漠

Today 's picture is the Sahara desert.

All Japanese participants who have been deployed to Morocco, desert tours are definitely recommended. On the weekend at Morocco, when there is no event, I can spend relatively free. So I would like to go there, too. But Casablanca is far from the desert, it may be..




Cultural Profile / 文化的プロファイル

There are various menus in 3-month Pre-Work before CSC deployment and one of the interesting lesson is creating cultural profiles.

If cultural backgrounds are different, how you capture things will naturally change. However, it's hard to know that when I am in the same cultural background. Tools are available to obtain clues to notice. If you answer about 30 simple questions, personal culture profile will be generated. It can compare your profile with the average of ethnic groups (eg Japanese or Moroccans).

The following axis shows the characteristics of that ethnic group and the characteristics of the respondents themselves.
"Task-oriented " or "Human relations".
"explicit communication" or "implicit communication".
"Indivisual" or "group".
"take risks" or "avoid risks".
"tight on time" or "free for time".
"Share power" or "concentrate power"
"Linear logic" or "Cyclic logic".
"based on facts" or "based on thought"
"simple" or "complex".

Japanese people seem to be relatively similar to Moroccans. The difference is that the Moroccans are "free in time, and based on thought" for Japanese who "strictly time, and based on facts". Although it may be easy to become familiar with a relatively similar background, but ..., in the first place, myself is considerably divergent from the Japanese.  I am amazed at the result.





しかし、そもそも 私自身が、日本人からかなり乖離していています。私が日本人らしくない、という結果が垣間見れます。いろいろと考え出すと、夜寝れなくなりそうな結果に驚きです。


My mission is ... / 活動のテーマは...


Team "Morocco 12" consists of 15 members. In actual activities, not all 15 people act on the same theme. We are devided 4 - 5 sub-groups, and each group will carry out support activities for different themes and different organizations. At the telephone conference yesterday , the members of the sub-group, the organizations to support, and the mission were presented from our activitie's cordinator, PYXERA Global team.

I will work for the OCP Foundation, with members, from US and China and . OCP is a foundation made by companies conducting quarrying and exporting of natural resources in Morocco and export of fertilizer, and seems to be particularly active in human resource development.

The theme of activity is education problem. In Morocco, especially in the rural areas, there is difference between public school and private school. And dropout from school seems to be a problem. Although it seems that tutor has proved to show certain effect, but it is difficult to receive such services in rural areas, both financially and geographically. Our mission is to design an online platform where OCP Foundation volunteers can act as individuals or group tutor.

Anyway, the theme of the activity has been presented. In this week, three sub-team member are scheduled for conference to discuss our mission.


Morocco 12チームは、15人のメンバーで構成されます。実際の活動では15人全員が同じテーマに向けた活動をする訳ではなく、23人のサブグループで、それぞれが別のテーマ、別の団体に向けた支援活動を実施します。派遣一ヶ月を切った昨日の進捗確認のチェックポイントの電話会議で、ついに、サブグループのメンバーと、支援先の団体、支援テーマが、活動をコーディネートしてくれている、PYXERA Global のチームから発表になりました。

私は、アメリカ・中国のメンバーと三人で、OCP Foundationに対して、活動を行います。OCPは、モロッコの天然資源の採石・輸出や、肥料の輸出を実施している会社が作る財団で、特に人材開発に力を入れた活動をしているようです。

活動のテーマは、教育問題。モロッコでは、公立学校と私立学校との差が、特に田舎では激しいようで、学校からのドロップアウトが問題になっているようです。家庭教師が一定の効果を示すことが証明されているようですが、田舎の地域では、金銭的にも地理的にも、そのようなサービスを受けることが難しいようです。こういった中、OCP Foundationのボランティアが、個人、または集団家庭教師として活動できる、オンラインのプラットフォームのデザインをすることが、私達の使命のようです。



Souvenir #1 "Origami" / おみやげ1 おりがみ

Giveing some "souvenir" in the range that is allowed on the business practices is more effectiv way to reduce the distance between the team members or  Moroccan people and I. This can provide an indication of Japanese culture easily.

It's very ordinary way, I tried to make a Tsuru(Bird in Japan) in Origami.

... But, something different (green one). I try many times, and finaly I was able to fold the correctly Tsuru. Also jewelry box, a little modification of the crane, can fold.

... By the way, Tsuru is a "crane" in English, the same spelling and pronunciation as the "crane" in the construction site. I wonder if they can understand my explanation of Tsuru, or crane. Is is better for us to the explain simply "Japanease bird".

Origami is very easy way to embody the Japanese culture, even though 1 piece of paper. I wish this impress everybody.

Youtube below is what I refer .









Couscous friday / 金曜日はクスクスの日

On January 28, 2018, in Yokohama of the elephant's nose terrace, Morocco Marche was held.


On that day, I went with my wife and son to port of Yokohama. My son want to see the departure of the cruise ship "Asuka Ⅱ". I We were passing by elephant nose terrace, we were able to chance to participate in the event.

Argan oil and miscellaneous goods of morocco was sold. Demonstration who wrapped a turban. Official tourist guide of Morocco issued by embassy had been distributed. And that stood out more than anything else, couscous, food eaten well in Morocco, was sold. Photo is where me and my wife are eating couscous.

Couscous is what crushed the flour. I feel this is feel like crushed spaghetti. Since the appearance looks like grated cheese, so I imagined such a taste. But It’s not cheese. I and my wife became loveing it. It's better for us to bought 2 servings. We devided 1 servings...

I was post this photo to WhatsApp group of our CSC team. Our mentor, member of  Morocco 11, taught us "Couscous Friday." It means, In Morocco we eat couscous on every Friday. Not only Morocco, but also in everyone all over the world might have habit of eating couscous on Friday.






この写真を、チームのWhatsApp(LINEのようなアプリ)のグループに投稿したところ、昨年派遣されたMorocco 11の先輩から、「クスクスは金曜日に食べる」と教わりました。モロッコに限らず、クスクスをみんなで囲む金曜日、という習慣は、実は世界中であるようです。