This blog is mainly written in English and Japanese.
French, Arabic, any other languages are
available with Google Translate at top of side bar on PC.


Chattering in English / 英語でペチャクチャ

The other day, when the writing by my son at school have been returned, I saw his article such as picture. I am glad that CSC is also affecting my son. Be aim beyond me, my son.

”Exciting! Heart beating!
My father makes a business trip to Morocco from April. At first I was thinking "Morocco" as a "trolley (train)". My father was burst out laughing. Every Monday, he is chattering with people from many countries in English. I thought "Wow!" and "Cool!". I want to be able to chatter English like my father.”






NHK World / NHKワールド

I am struggling every day in English with members of the CSC team. I searched for easy-accessible leaning English materials in every day, and the most interesting thing is "NHK World". (NHK means Japan Broadcasting Corporation.  Japan’s only public broadcaster. Like BBC in UK and PBS in US.)

You can watch it from smart apps and Amazon Fire TV. It's free.

You can watch it in English for 24 hours, including the every hour's news show, original program about Japanease culture and Sumo, and the Japanese translation of the NHK program, and so on. It supports on demand as well. This broadcast is also suitable for foreigners who want to know about Japan.

It doesn't have English subtitles, so if I do not listen quite intensively I will miss it, but I think that it's easiest way to make my head an "English brain". When I am in my room , I use Fire TV to keep it flowing from the monitor all the time.


CSCチームのメンバーとの英語に、日々、四苦八苦している毎日です。日々、簡単にアクセスできる教材はないかと探してみたとこ、一番気にっているのがNHK Worldです。

スマホのアプリや、Amazon Fire TVからも視聴できます。視聴自体は無料です。

英語字幕はないので、かなり集中して聞かないと聞き逃してしまいますが、頭を英語脳にするには、これ以上の方法はないかな、と思っています。最近自宅の部屋にいるときは、Fire TVを使って、常にモニターから流すようにしています。


Moroccan specialties are / モロッコの名産は

Speaking of Moroccan specialties and souvenirs are Argan oil, leather goods such as wallets and bags. Seniors CSC member who was deployed on to Morocco are sure to say "carpets". They said it's better to measure the size of your room at home in advance. Certainly, looking at the Moroccan guide book, the topic of carpets often comes out.

Besides,  Tagin pots, pottery, Babushu (Moroccan leather shoes), ore, brass products, parquet work etc are also famous.

